1 September 2021

Articles English articles

Doctrinal article: “Role of public in protection and use of wildlife: problems and solutions. Russian federation, Trans-Baikal territory, Republic of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan”

Title: “Role of public in protection and use of wildlife: problems and solutions. Russian federation, Trans-Baikal territory, Republic of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan”

Título: “Papel del público en la protección y el uso de la vida silvestre: problemas y soluciones. Federación de Rusia, Territorio Trans-Baikal, República de Armenia, Georgia, Kazajstán”

Author: Svetlana Ivanova, Associate professor of Land Law and Labor Law Department, Orenburg State Agrarian University (Russian Federation), PhD in Law.

Autora: Svetlana Ivanova, Profesora asociada del Departamento de Derecho de la Tierra y Derecho Laboral, Universidad Agraria del Estado de Orenburg (Federación de Rusia), Doctora en Derecho.

Fecha de recepción: 26/07/2021

Fecha de aceptación: 09/08/2021

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00173


This article examines the principles and criteria of public participation in solving issues in the field of protection and use of wildlife. Interaction between the authorities and the public should be built on a fair, effective and informative basis. The author states that public participation in general can be regarded as providing people with an opportunity to influence the results of the plans and work processes that constitute the activities of government bodies.

Based on the analysis of certain provisions of the legislation on the animal world and law enforcement practice, the

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