13 May 2011

Monographs Bibliographic references

Referencias bibliográficas al día. Monografías



AMAT LLOMBART, Pablo. “Derecho agrario, agroalimentario y del desarrollo rural”. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2011. 428 p.


AGUDO GONZÁLEZ, Jorge. “El derecho de aguas en clave europea”. Madrid: La Ley, 2011. 450 p.

PERIS RIERA, Jaime Miguel; CUESTA PASTOR, Pablo. “La tutela penal del agua”. Madrid: Dykinson, 2011. 358 p.

SERENO ROSADO, Amparo. “Ríos que nos separan, aguas que nos unen: Análisis jurídico de los Convenios Hispano- Lusos sobre aguas internacionales”. Valladolid: Lex Nova, 2011. 408 p.

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6 May 2011

Articles Periodical publications Bibliographic references

Referencias bibliográficas al día. Artículos de publicaciones periódicas



AGYENIM, Joseph B.; GUPTA, Joyeeta. “The evolution of Ghana’s water law and policy”. Review of European Community and international environmental law (RECIEL), vol. 19, n. 3, 2010, pp. 339-350

BRUFAO CURIEL, Pedro. “Efectos demaniales, registrales y ambientales de la recuperación del dominio público hidráulico: el caso de las Lagunas de Ruidera”. Revista de administración pública, n. 183, 2010, pp. 235-246

COLLINS, Lynda. “Environmental rights on the wrong side of history: revisiting Canada’s position on the human right to water”. Review of European Community and international environmental law (RECIEL), vol. 19, n. 3, 2010, pp. 351-365

COMTOIS, Suzanne; TURGEON, Bianca. “L’eau, chose commune à l’usage de tous: l’État québécois a-t-il les moyens de donner effet à ce statut?” Les Cahiers de droit, vol. 51, n. 3-4, 2010, pp. 617-635

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3 May 2011

Comments Legislation Comments English comments

Commentary: “Environmental Sustainability And Administrative Law: A New Solution To The Economic Crisis Or A Constitutional Requirement? With Reference To The New Spanish Sustainable Economy Act (Ley De Economía Sostenible)”

Title: “Environmental Sustainability And Administrative Law: A New Solution To The Economic Crisis Or A Constitutional Requirement? With Reference To The New Spanish Sustainable Economy Act (Ley De Economía Sostenible)”

Author: Francisco Javier Sanz Larruga, Professor of Administrative Law of University of A Coruña (Spain)

Reception date: April 21st, 2011

Acceptance date: April 29th, 2011

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00198


The successful formulation of the sustainability paradigm – in its many aspects: environmental, social and economic- spreading in many programmatic and strategic documents of international organizations and national governments carried out in the context of the present economic crisis, sets out important problems of legal interpretation when it comes to introducing them uncritically in standard-setting instruments.

Sustainable development is not a mere conceptual resource derived from the new trends on environmental economy but a real legal principle that can be translated into important requirements and mandates aimed to the rational use of natural resources and its protection on the future generations.

If the aim is to achieve efficiently these objectives, the reception of the sustainability criteria – or at least the environmental ones- in the

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18 April 2011

Comments English comments

Commentary: “Decisive Boost In The Consolidation Of A Responsible Public Procurement. Green Contracts: From Ability To Obligation”

Title: “Decisive Boost In The Consolidation Of A Responsible Public Procurement. Green Contracts: From Ability To Obligation

Author: Patricia Valcárcel Fernández, Adjoint Doctor Professor of Administrative Law of University of Vigo

Reception date: March 28th, 2011

Acceptance date: April 4th, 2011

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00197


The concern about environmental protection is a target that has made its way into different policies and actions promoted by the EU. Community regulations enacted in order to gradually harmonize public procurement procedures have also followed this tendency. In any case, taking into account that the individuals included in EU law scope are the main consumers in the great internal market, the integration of environmental criteria into public procurement procedures will constitute one of the best ways to implement the environmental principle of prevention.

11 April 2011

Spain Current Legislation

Legislación al día. Estado

Ley 2/2011, de 4 de marzo, de Economía Sostenible. (BOE núm. 55, de 5 de marzo de 2011)

Autora: Eva Blasco Hedo. Responsable de la Unidad de Investigación y Formación del CIEDA- CIEMAT

Temas clave: Economía sostenible; Desarrollo sostenible; Dominio público; Eficiencia energética; Energía; Energías Renovables; Residuos; Transportes; Vehículos; Sanidad vegetal; Hidrocarburos; Contaminación Atmosférica; Comisión Nacional de la Energía


Después de largos períodos de letargo en su tramitación, ha salido a la luz la presumiblemente esperada Ley de Economía Sostenible, cuyo objeto es introducir en el ordenamiento jurídico las reformas estructurales necesarias para crear las condiciones idóneas que favorezcan un desarrollo económico sostenible, dentro de un marco de crisis económica internacional, que ha obligado a nuestro país, siguiendo las pautas adoptadas por los países del G20 a adoptar una serie de medidas que impidan las graves consecuencias de la caída de nuestra actividad económica.

Creo necesario introducir en este comentario la definición que de economía sostenible nos brinda su artículo 2, base de resto de su articulado, entendiendo por tal un patrón de crecimiento que concilie el desarrollo económico, social y ambiental en una economía productiva y competitiva,

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